Friday, September 3, 2010

Goodbye August!

September is finally here!
Which makes me soooo happy, because my favourite time of year is Fall! I love the crisp mornings and the pleasant afternoons. Not too cold, but cool enough to wear a light jacket!
I LOVE layering! I despair all summer long because it's just too hot to wear my favourite denim shirt. And sometimes, I just wear it anyway! lol!
September always excites me because I know I will soon be able to layer on the sweaters, scarfs and leather jackets to my heart's content!
But, since September only came this week, I have to wait a bit longer.
So, here is what I wore to dinner with my hubby on the last day of August.
Nothing too special, but a little sweet... and my skirt colours reflecting the weather to come :)

So here, everything except the belt is from Value Village! :)
The top is originally from American Eagle and has faded fir trees on it.
The skirt is originally from Zara. Belt is Forever21.

The shoes I just adore! Little floral peep-toe sling-backs. So cute!
So now I just have to be patient and wait for the cooler weather to arrive!
Goodbye August!!!


  1. Ooohhh love the floral shoes!!! I need you to come dress me ;)ha!

  2. Lol! I am just now realizing I have comments! I would just to hang out with you and hit the malls together ;D
